Altro Impero Pizza & Natura
Altro Impero Pizza & Natura is located inside the ancient palace that once was the seat of the first Town Hall of Verona. Built in the late 1100s to celebrate the victory of Verona over Frederick Barbarossa's imperial army, it is the symbol of that great and unhoped-for victory.
It overlooks Verona's living room, surrounded by the imposing palaces that were the protagonists of the Scaliger's life: the Palace of Reason (today seat of the 'Achille Forti' Gallery of Modern Art) with the Scala della Ragione and the Lamberti Tower, the Captain’s Palace, and the Government Palace which today is the seat of the provincial administration and the Prefecture. A few steps from the square stand the Arche Scaligere, the imposing tombs of the Lords of Verona, the Scaligers.
Altro Impero Pizza & Natura is known for its organic pizza, with the most intense taste and flavour, higher intake of vitamins and minerals, less gluten, and all the lightness of sourdough. These are the characteristics that make pizza with ancient grain flour dough even better and more digestible.